Who Can I Sue If My Baby Suffers From Cerebral Palsy?

Who you are able to sue if your baby suffers from cerebral palsy will be different for each and every case. This is because every case is different and the party responsible for committing the medical mistake will be different.

Typically, all individuals responsible for committing the medical negligence and cause for your child’s suffering may be held liable and you may be able to sue them in a cerebral palsy lawsuit. This can include filing a lawsuit against the medical facility that employed the negligent professional or provided the care. In some lawsuits, there may in fact be multiple defendants.

Any one of the following medical professionals may be cause for your child’s cerebral palsy and may be able to be held liable and sued for their error. These medical professionals include:

  • Obstetric gynecologist
  • Pediatrician
  • Neurologist
  • Anesthesiologists
  • Pharmacists
  • Nurses
  • Hospital staff
  • Hospitals
  • Health care facilities
Take Legal Action Today!

To have a conversation about your child with one of our experienced Michigan cerebral palsy lawyers, call us now. We will listen to your story and explain how we can best help your child and family.

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(844) 840-2252