Does My Child Qualify For Lifetime Benefits?

Children who suffer from cerebral palsy often require long-term care over their entire lifetime. Long-term care is costly and families of children with cerebral palsy are likely to sustain significant expenses related to the ongoing need of treatment. To help families cope with the resulting financial burdens of raising a child with CP, lifetime benefits may be awarded in recognition of the child’s cerebral palsy and the financial expenses that come along with it. Unfortunately, not every child who suffers from cerebral palsy is eligible to receive lifetime benefits. Only children whose CP was the result of medical malpractice qualify for such benefits.

Lifetime benefits is awarded as a monetary award and can be used to fund expenses, such as medical treatment for your child, special education services, developmental assistance, assisted living, medications, and home or automobile modifications.

There is not set amount in which each parent receives for lifetime benefits. It will depend on the facts of your case and the attorney in which you hire to represent you and your family. Choosing a cerebral palsy attorney for your child’s case can mean the difference between no settlement or a fair settlement that will help secure the future of your child.

If a child’s birth injury is a result of medical negligence, a parent will pursue these lifetime benefits through the litigation process. If you are considering pursuing lifetime benefits for your child, it is in your best interest to contact one of our top-rated experienced Michigan cerebral palsy lawyers. No amount of money will cure your child. However, obtaining compensation will help ease your burden by assuring that your child receives quality care throughout his or her lifetime no matter what happens to you as you grow older. This can make a real difference in your child’s life and in your life.

Take Legal Action Today!

To have a conversation about your child with one of our experienced Michigan cerebral palsy lawyers, call us now. We will listen to your story and explain how we can best help your child and family.

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